
Oil Technologists' Association of India

Annual General Meetings & Convention

  • 10.1 It shall be obligatory to hold at least one General Meeting of the Association a year, and shall hold a Convention once each year.
    10.2 The time and place of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be fixed by the CEC and shall be announced by the Honorary General Secretary at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting.
    10.3 All notices of motions for consideration at the AGM shall be submitted to the Honorary General Secretary so as to reach him at least 3 weeks before the date of the meeting.
    10.4 The President of the Association shall preside over the AGM. In his absence, the Meeting may elect as Chairman from one of the Vice-Presidents present, or in their absence, any member of the CEC present.
    10.5 Fifty (50) members, who are entitled to vote (which excludes student member) shall form the quorum for the Annual General Meeting. An adjourned meeting will not need a quorum.
    10.6 The following business shall be obligatory for the Annual General Meeting :

    10.6.1 Presentation of the minutes of the last AGM and of any Extra-ordinary General Body Meeting.
    10.6.2 Presentation of the Annual Report, which should contain a statement of activities of Headquarters, Zones, Local Branches and Central Standing Committees.
    10.6.3 Passing of the audited statement of accounts and balance sheet of the year.
    10.6.4 Sanctioning of the budget for the following year based on budget estimates received from Headquarters and all the Central Standing Committees.
    10.6.5 Announcement of the name of the office-bearers and other elected members of the CEC in every election year.
    10.6.6 Appointing of an Auditor and fixing his remuneration.
    10.6.7 Consideration of any resolutions or recommendations put up by the CEC or members (clause 10.3)
    10.6.8 Such other business as President may allow.
    10.7 At least 25 members in good standing, which exclude student members, shall form a quorum for a Zonal Annual Meeting. An adjourned meeting will not need any quorum. The items of business for an AGM outlined in 10.6 shall serve as a guideline for the Zonal Annual Meeting.

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