The Oil Technologists’ Association of India (OTAI) was founded in 1943 and registered under the Societies Registration act XXI of 1860 in 1945. the Association has its own building for its Head Office on land donated by HBTI at Kanpur to coordinate National and International activities of its five Zones which function from different parts of the country. The Central Eastern, Northern ,Southernand Western Zones operate from Kanpur, Calcutta, Delhi, Hyderabad and Mumbai respectively. The Association also publishes a quarterly scientific journal of the Oil Technologists’ Association of India of International repute for almost last five decades.
The OTAI has been recognized by the Department of Science and Technology, Govt. of India, as a scientific and research organization devoted to promotion of R & D activities in the area of Oils. Fats and Derived Products. The Association is represented on various National Committees such as Central Committee of Food Standards, Development Council for Soaps and Detergents, different Committees of Bureau of India Standards.

OTAI – A Premium Organization
- The Oil Technologists’ Association of India (OTAI), a pioneer International Association.
- Premier organization of technologists, research chemists, managers, engineers and industrialists working for the production, processing and research of oilseeds, oils, oleochemicals, surfactants and allied products.
- Continuously engaged in disseminating the latest scientific and technical development by way of organizing conferences, symposia, workshops, refresher courses, popular lectures etc. on current topic of common interest to its members.
- Represents on various National Committees such as Central Committee of Food Standards, Development Council for Soaps and Detergents, different Committees of Bureau of India Standards (BSI) etc….