This award was instituted by J. G. Kane Memorial Trust, Mumbai for an eminent scientist for his outstanding contribution in the field. The scientist selected by the OTAI, at the occasion of Annual Convention of OTAI, delivers a lecture named professor J. G. Kane Memorial Lecture. The award carries a cash prize of Rs. 25000/= and a Citation which is jointly financed by J.G. Kane Memorial Trust & OTAI (WZ).
This award was instituted by Zaheer Science Foundation of the CSIR in the year 1979, to perpetuate the memory of Dr. S. Husain Zaheer, for excellence in research contribution in Oil Chemistry and Technology, Surface Coatings and allied subjects through research papers which include applicant’s name among the authors and which appeared during the previous three calendar years. The award consists of cash prize of Rs. 5,000/= and a Citation.
This award was instituted by M/s Kusum Product limited, Calcutta to perpetuate the memory of Rai Bahadur G. V. Swaika, for excellence in specific product development or innovation or improvement in the field of Oils, Oilseeds, Surface Coatings and Allied products over last three calendar years. The award consists of a cash prize of Rs.5,000/= and a citation.
This award has been instituted from the year 2003 in memory of Shri S. D. Thirumala Rao. This award is given for outstanding contributions (Papers published/Patents taken) during three calendar years preceding the year of award on the relevant subject. The award consists of cash prize of Rs. 5000/= and a Citation.
Annual cash award of Rs. 5000/- was instituted with the support of OTAI (CZ) in memory of Prof. R.K. Khanna. This team award is for the best research paper published in all issues of the Journal of Lipid Science Technology, which appears during previous calendar year. No application is required for this award.
Annual Cast Award of Rs 15,000/- and citation was instituted by OTAI (WZ) with the Corpus fund of donated by Mrs. Cherry Churi, Director, M/s. Sarbi Petroleum & Chemicals Pvt. Ltd. in memory of Late Mr. S.R. Bhatnagar for the post graduate students. The award is for excellence in the research in the field of Tribology / Lubricant and allied fields for the research papers published which include applicant’s name among the authors which appeared during the previous or current calendar year.
Dr. Santinath Ghosh Memorial Research award’ will be given to the young researcher (age below 35 years) on the basis of her/his published patent /research paper in the field of oil technology and allied sciences with best social/industrial implication. The patent/article should be published in the last calendar year (Jan-Dec 2017) in any National /International journal. Only one of the author of the patent / article who must be a member of OTAI may submit her/his nomination and she/he will be awarded with a cash prize of Rs. 10,000/- and one citation. Three copies of nomination along with CV and printed copy of the patent / article should be sent to Hon. Secretary, OTAI (EZ) within October 15, 2018 below mentioned address.
B P Manchanda,
Hon. Secretary OTAI (EZ)
120A, K N Sen Road,
Kolkata – 700 042.
Besides these awards, on recommendations of host zone, CEC awards committee announces to felicitate with Life Time Achievement Awards during the inaugural session of annual convention of OTAI.