
Oil Technologists' Association of India

Rules & Bye-Laws Download PDF

(With Effect from 29/09/2018)



1. The name of the association shall be the “Oil Technologists’ Association of India” shortened to OTAI. The name may be changed, if so desired by two-thirds of it’s members.

1.1 The Association will have its logo and which shall be printed on all the letter heads and all other stationery required for official correspondence.

2. The Headquarter of the Association shall be in Kanpur , where it is currently located.


To empower the Indian consumer atop the consumers in developed world by providing lipid products in terms of price, food safety and variety of choice while making the country progress towards self-reliance.

4. Mission

An organization constantly contributing towards enhancing the power of consumers of lipid and allied products by aligning effort of all its stakeholders such as academicians engaged in education, research and development, technologists, manufacturers, farmers, service providers, regulators on a single platform.

5. The objectives of the Association are:

5.1 To promote the cause of an all-round,rational and economic development to serve the consumer and nation in the areas of oil seeds, lipids (Oils & Fats etc.), surface active agents, surface coatings, synthetic detergents, lubricants & fuels, oleo chemicals, toiletries, cosmetics and allied products.

5.2 To promote the competence and integrity / ethical behaviour (word to be referred to law firm) of those engaged in these fields of activity(activities) to help raise their professional standards.

5.3 The association will provide assistance to safeguard the interest of all stake holders and in turn interest of nation. OTAI will strive to be part of Government policy formation.

5.4 To take such other steps as may be necessary to promote the above areas and objectives of the Association.

5.5  Association will have its code of ethics.

6. The Association shall not make any dividend, gift, division or bonus in money to or between any or members, but may in good faith pay honorarium or remuneration to its office -bearers or members for specific purposes.

7. To achieve the mission and actualize the vision, each Central Executive Committee formed (newly elected CEC) shall review existing strategies and finalize them. The strategies formed must be published on the website / journal to help every stake holder to align themselves so as the association can achieve the common goals..



1.1 The Membership of the Association shall be open to all persons and  recognized  organizations interested in promoting the objects of the Association and who, in the opinion of the council of the Association, have the necessary qualifications hereinafter prescribed.

1.2  Every member of the Association will be expected:

1.2.1  To acquaint himself with the objectives, rules and bye-laws of the Association and to exert himself to foster and uphold them worthily.

1.2.2 To conduct himself at all times in such a way as to enhance the dignity and ethical and professional standard of the Association by hi s act ions, behaviour, language, etc. Accordingly applicants to membership will vouch for the same, by declaration in the membership application form as per code of conduct appended in Appendix-I.

1.2.3 To work for the public welfare and for the advancement of science and technology for the good of humanity.

1.3 There shall be seven categories of membership:

1.3.1  Patrons
1.3.2  Honorary Fellows
1.3.3  Life Members
1.3.4  Corporate Members
1.3.5  Fellow Members
1.3.6  Affiliate Members
1.3.7  Reciprocal memberships with other associations
1.3.8  Student Members


Election and admission to the various categories of membership of the Association shall be as follows:

2.1 Patrons

Individuals interested in the advancement of the objectives of the Association shall be considered by the Central Executive Council (CEC) for declaration as Patrons of the Association.

2.2 Honorary Fellow

2.2.1 Individuals with outstanding academic and professional achievements in science and technology and especially in the areas of the activity of the Association as described in its Memorandum or who have rendered special services to the development of those areas or who have been Fellow Members of 25 years standing shall be eligible for election as Honorary Fellows.

2.2.2  Nominations for Honorary Fellows shall be made in writing to the Zonal Executive Committee (ZEC) by not less than 25 Fellow Life members. ZEC will scrutinize the application and if ZEC feels that the Nominee deserves to be elected as Honorary Fellow Member, they will forward the nomination with recommendation to the CEC for final approval. Honorary Fellows on the roll of the Association at any time shall not exceed 3 percent of the total zonal membership excluding student membership.

2.3 Fellow Member

The CEC shall demand a high standard of qualifications and experience from candidates for Fellow Membership. Candidates for Fellow Membership shall be graduates in technology or engineering or postgraduates in science, with at least three years professional experience in the field or Doctorates in any of the above field s. See also para 2.6.2.

2.4 Life Member

Individuals interested in the area of activities of the Association by practice or profession, who fulfill the qualifications laid down for Fellow Members (Clause 2.3) and whose admission, the ZEC considers, would promote the interests of the Association, are eligible to apply on the prescribed form for Life Membership, supported by two fellow Members of the Association. See also para 2.6.2.

2.5 Corporate Member

Firms, Companies and Institutions interested in or connected with the area of activities of the Association and whose admission the ZEC considers would promote the interests of the Association, shall be eligible to apply on the prescribed form for admission as Corporate Members.The representative of the organization cannot become an office-bearer of the Association.

2.6 Affiliate Member

2.6.1 Candidates seeking admission as Affiliate Members should be graduates in any discipline and working in the field of oils and allied industries. However CEC at its discretion can enroll any person with any qualification as Affiliate Member but those persons should be currently engaged in areas of activity relevant to the Association or are in the trade of oils and other allied products for last five years.

2.6.2 Affiliate members having graduation degree shall be eligible to apply for election as Fellow Members provided they have completed five years as Affiliate Member.

2.7  Reciprocal and memberships with other associations

The associations having common interests in the areas of oil seeds, lipids, surface active agents, surface coatings, synthetic detergents, lubricants & fuels, oleo chemicals, toiletries, cosmetics and allied products.
Reciprocal membership can be extended to the members of such interested associations, after approval from CEC. The reciprocal members cannot hold any office in ZEC / CEC.

2.8  Student Member

2.8.1. Candidates seeking admission as Student Member shall be at least students of a B.Sc. Tech. or equivalent course or M.Sc. in chemical sciences or should be receiving technical education or practical training in same branch of the areas of activity of the Association in a duly recognized Institution or industry in India.

Applications should be made on the prescribed form for such membership duly recommended by the Head of the Institution or Department or Factory where training is being received.

Such membership will be for a limited term and proof of the duration of completion of such course of training will be required, institutional address will be used for communication, sending journals, etc.

2.8.2  Students working for their Post Graduate degrees and are in receipt of fellowship or any other financial aid are not eligible to apply for the election as Student Member. However, they can apply for Affiliate Membership.


2.8.3  Reciprocal memberships will be offered to other associations with which OTAI will also be affiliated and their existing members can have privilege of reciprocal membership of OTAI and vice-versa.

2.9 Approval of Membership

2.9.1 Applications for admission to any class of membership (except for membership mentioned in clause 2.8) can be uploaded in the prescribed format available on the website (www.otai.org) , accompanied by the prescribed fees paid online, application shall be vetted online by the president of the respective Zone by putting digital signature after verifying credentials of the candidate..

2.9.2 President, OTAI shall approve his/her application membership till the application is approved by the CEC .

2.9.3 The application shall be finally processed in CEC for approval and it’s placement in the membership roaster. The membership number will be communicated there after.

2.9.4 Decision by the ZEC/CEC will be final. However, if any application is rejected, reasons for reject ion of membership shall be given to the Zones within 15 days from the date of application citing reasons of rejection. Zones should then write about the anomalies to the applicant.

2.9.5 If any application is rejected, the fees will be refunded.

2.9.6 All the Members will be issued an Identification Card. The new members will be advised by the respective zones to download the Bye -laws from the OTAI-website (www.otai.org).

2.9.7 General body approval shall not be required for the acceptance of membership.

2.10 Transfer of Membership Category

A member desiring to be transferred from one class of membership to another shall make a formal application to this effect to the respective ZEC along with the difference both in the admission and the membership fees if any, for approval. The ZEC will follow same procedure for the transfer of membership as detailed in clause 2. Member will get new membership number as per the category of the membership he/she is transferred to.


3.1 Honorary Fellow

3.1.1 An Honorary Fellow is exempted from paying the admission fee and the annual subscription.

3.1.2 He/she will be special invitee in all OTAI Seminars/Annual Convent ions.

3.1.3 He/she shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member.

3.2 Patron
3.2.1 A patron shall enjoy the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member.

3.3 Life Member
A life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of a Fellow Member.

3.4 Corporate Member

3.4.1 Every Corporate Member shall have the right to nominate one representative while becoming a member who shall attend General Body Meetings and act on its behalf

3.4.2 He can propose candidate for admission or nominate candidate for the elective positions of the Association.

3.4.3 He shall not have voting rights in the elections for office bearers of the Association.

3.4.4 Corporate members can change their representative by giving 7 days
advance intimation to the Association.

3.5  Fellow Member

3.5.1 A Fellow Member shall have the right To be present and to vote in all general body meetings of the Association.

3.5.2 To propose / second candidate for admission into the Association.

3.5.3 To receive a copy of such publications of the Association as the CEC /
ZEC may determine.

3.5.4 To hold any office of the Association on the CEC, ZEC and Central Committee or other committees representing the Association as per the eligibility prescribed.

3.5.5 To nominate members to elective positions and to vote as described in the bye-laws.

3.6 Affiliate Member

An Affiliate Member shall have the same rights and privileges as a Fellow Member as detailed in clause 3.5 except 3.5 .4 i.e., he shall not be eligible to hold any office in the CEC, ZEC. etc., but will receive a copy of such OTAI publications as the CEC / ZEC may decide.

3.7 Student Member
A Student Member shall have the right to be present at all general body meetings of the Association. He shall not be eligible (a) to exercise the right to vote, and (b) to hold any office whatsoever.


4.1 The contribution/admission fee and annual subscription for various categories of membership will be as follows reckoned from April 1 of every year.

Category of membership India (a) Overseas (b)
Admission Fee (Rs.)  Annual Subscription (Rs.) Admission Fee (US $)  Annual Subscription    (US $)
Patron One Time  contribution of INR  Rs. 2,00,000.00 or US$ 5,000.00 for overseas*
Corporate  Life member


Contribution of INR 1,25,000 or US$ 2500 payable once for life Time Members or Rs.12500 per year.


Life member One Time Contribution of INR 10,000 or US$ 250 for overseas Life members
Fellow 1000 1000 50 50
Affiliate 1000 1000 50 50
Student** 200 NIL 20  NIL
* GST TAX @ 18% Extra as Applicable
  ** Valid for period of student hood


4.2 Payment of subscription+

4.2.1 All subscript ions are payable in advance before the commencement of the financial year.

4.2.2 Those members who have not paid the current year’s subscript ion by September 30 and who are not on the rolls by September 30 of the year preceding to the election year shall not be eligible to stand for office in the ZEC/CEC or to vote in that year.


5.1 A member wanting to resign from the membership of the Association shall intimate his desire in writing to the Secretary of the Zone/General Secretary of the Association. He will be liable to pay the annual subscript ion and all other dues till the date of receipt of his intimation. For this and for other purposes, part of a year will be count ed as one year.

5.2 The ZEC may recommend to the CEC the termination of membership of any person in any category of membership in the Association, whose continuation, in it’s opinion is detrimental to the interests and status of the Association. The decision of the CEC shall be final.
5.3 A member who is in arrears of his subscription beyond the due date, viz. March 31, of the previous year, and has not paid his / her subscript ion for two consecutive years shall be given a notice for termination of membership. The matter of termination of membership shall also be referred to CEC through respective ZEC.

5.4 Re-admission of a member who has resigned or whose membership h as been terminated will be considered by the CEC on written request . He/she shall be treated as fresh member and shall have to pay fee applicable to fresh member including admission fee.


6.1 The activities of the Association shall be co-ordinated by the President
(and Hony. Gen. Secy.) and carried out by its five authorized Zones and it’s Local branches, in various parts of the country.

6.2 The Zones shall cover the following exist ing States and shall be located in
the following cit ies:

Zone States Headquarters States served
Central Kanpur Madhya Pradesh,
Uttar Pradesh
(excluding Meerut Division)
Northern Delhi Delhi,
Himanchal Pradesh,
Jammu & Kashmir,
Meerut division of
Uttar Pradesh &
Eastern Calcutta Assam,
Arunachal Pradesh &
Western Mumbai  Gujarat ,
Southern Hyderabad Andhra Pradesh,
Tamil Nadu,
Karnataka &

(In future new states etc. will be accommodated suitably.)

6.2.1 Foreign members shall be affiliated to the respective zone which brings the membership.

6.2.2 Members shall have an option to become a Member through anyone of the five Zones falling under the jurisdiction of his place of work or place of residence.

6.3 Local Branches of the Association may be formed in centers other than the Zonal Headquarters with a minimum membership of 15. Such Local Branches will be affiliated to the appropriate zone wherein they fall, which will themselves be affiliated to the Headquarters.

6.4 The President and Hony. Gen. Secy. of the Association shall function as co-ordinating body for the activities of the Association, including those of it’s zones and of the various Central and other committees of the CEC, as well as with Indian and foreign associations.

6.5 Collection and distribution of the fees

6.5.1 The admission fees and annual subscript ion shall be collected against receipt by the head quarters

6.5.2 The membership application should be forwarded for approval by the zones to CEC accompanied with cheque/RTGS/NEFT in favor of HQ share amount.

6.5.2 The HQ shall retain the entire admission fee of all the membership categories and 25% of the annual subscription fee of Corporate, Fellow, Affiliate and Student Membership and 25% of life and Patron members. The remaining zonal share of respective shall be transferred with in one month.

6.5.3 The Zonal office will allot to any Local Branch in the Zones 50% of the
annual subscript ion of that Local Branch Membership.

6.5.4 “The Zones will contribute @’ Rs.75/ – per member to the Publication Committee towards publication of journal” or as decided by the All India General Body Meeting by June 30th of the current financial year

6.5.5 In case of non-receipt of this contribution, Publication Committee has a right to discontinue Issue of JLST to the defaulting Zone Members.

6.5.6 25% of the savings resulted from the Annual Convent ions, including any activity clubbed with it, organized by respective zones OR Rs. 50,000/ – whichever is higher shall be transferred to the Head Quarter. 50% of the money received by the HQ shall be transferred to the publication Committee Accounts.

6.5.7 Expenses of HQ office bearers for attending CEC & Annual Convent ion shall be born / reimburse by the hosting zone.

6.6 Application of Funds

6.6.1 All funds for any zonal and HQ activity shall be raised in the name of OTAI HQ only and shall be duly deposited in HQ accounts. The money realized from the bank will be transferred by HQ to the zone by electronic transfer for the activity for which it has been raised.
The funds shall be utilized as per decisions taken by CEC / ZEC in accordance with the objectives of the Association outlined in the Memorandum of OTAI.

6.6.2  Funds raised by any Central Standing Committees (CSC) will remain with the respective Standing Committee irrespective of the location of Standing Committee accounts at the HQ. These funds shall be utilized by the respective standing committees with the prior sanction of the CEC or by getting their annual budget sanctioned by CEC and General Body Meeting.


7.1 Purpose:
The affairs of the Association will be administered by the CEC situated at Head-quarters, which will formulate overall administrative, financial and policy decisions, co -ordinate the activities of the Zones and all the Central Standing Committees, organize the Annual General Body Meetings, Annual Convention of OTAI and any International Seminar / Function. CEC can delegate these functions to any Zone.

7.2 Term

Each CEC will have a term of 3 years. The new CEC will take over at the AGM of the Election year. However AGM must be held before 30 th September every year

7.3 Functions

7.3.1 To decide all policy matters concerning membership.

7.3.2 To appoint OTAI representatives as and when required.

7.3.3 To determine publication policies.

7.3.4 To control & monitor the Funds of Headquarters and that of all other Central Standing Committees by way of budget expenditure, investment, taxes and so on.

7.3.5 To give directive to all the Zones to monitor their funds.

7.3.6 To co-ordinate with various Government Bodies for recognition of the Association and tackle all Income Tax and related issues.

7.3.7 To perform any other function to safeguard the interest of the Association, such as in an administrative or financial emergency.

7.3.8 To recommend about any amendments / changes in the Rules and bye laws of OTAI to the General Body.

7.3.9 To organize Annual Convent ions of the Association with the help of various zones.

7.4 Composition : The CEC shall consist of the following, the mode of election of each also being shown :


Office Bearer Number Mode of Election
President 1 Section 7.5.1
Vice-President (HQ) 1 Section 7.5.2
Hony. General Secretary (HQ) 1 Section 7.5.2
Hony. Jt. General Secretary (HQ) 1 Section 7.5.2
Hony. General Treasurer (HQ) 1 Section 7.5.2
Zonal Presidents 5 Members (Ex-officio)
Hony. Secretaries of five zones 5 Members (Ex-officio)
Hony. Treasurers of five zones 5 Members (Ex-officio)
Immediate Past President. 1  Members (Ex-officio)
Immediate Past Hony. General Secretary 1  Members (Ex-officio)
Immediate Past Hony. General Treasurer 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Editor-In-Cheif   JLST 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, Publication Committee 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, International Coordination Committee 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, Research, Investigation & Implementation Committee 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, Building Committee 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice President – (Finance) 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, Coordination 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Vice-President, Web Administration 1 Members (Ex-officio)
Two Nominees from each zone 10 ———–
Co-opted Members 4 ———–
Total 45

Special invitees may also be invited to each meeting of the CEC without any voting rights

7.5 Elections

7.5.1 President: There shall be no election for the office of the President. Vice President (HQ) shall take over as the President after the tenure of President is over and not extended. Vice President (HQ) – Any member of the Association in good standing may, during an election year, forward to the ZEC for election as Vice President, the name of any bonafide eligible member of OTAI, carrying the written consent of the candidate. Vice President (HQ) will be elected from any the zones as per procedure mentioned in 7.5. 2.

7.5.2 Hony. General Secretary, Hony.Jt. General Secretary and Hony. General Treasurer. These posit ions will be filled from among OTAI members resident at HQ. Any member of the Association, in good standing may, during an election year, forward to the ZEC the name of any bonafide eligible member of OTAI resident at the Head Quarter, carrying the written consent of the candidate, for election to one of the four posts. The Hon. Secretaries of the re spective ZEC involved will scrutinize the names and forward them to the Headquarters for election as per the procedure laid down in clause 7.6.

7.5.3 All the five Zonal Secretaries shall be Ex-officio members of CEC.

7.5.4 Editor JLST and Vice Presidents of all the Central Standing Committees such as the Publication Committee, Building – Committee, International Co-ordination Council, Vice-President (Finance), Vice-President ( Coordination ), Vice-President (Research Investigation and Implementation Committee) andVice-President Web Administration will be nominated by each new CEC at its first meeting and will hold office for not more than two consecutive terms. Vice President of any of these Standing Commit tees shall not be from the Ex –Officio e CEC Members and Zonal CEC representatives.

7.5.5 The election to the offices shall be organized by the CEC between September, 30 (preceding to the election year) and March 31 of the election year.
7.5.6 Members of the Association who are in arrears of subscript ion after September 30 of the current financial year shall not be eligible for election/ nomination to any office of the Association.

7.5.7 In case of a tie, the casting vote shall be cast by the President of the Association.

7.5.8 The President and other office-bearers of the  CEC/ZEC, Vice Presidents of various General Standing Committees, Editor of JLST shall be eligible for re-election for a second-consecutive term, but shall not hold the same post for more than two consecutive terms.

7.6 Procedure for conducting elections for CEC/ZEC

7.6.1 Election procedure shall begin in the month of September preceding to the election year of the CEC / ZEC and shall be completed before 31st March of the election year.

7.6.2 CEC/ZEC shall, in its meeting to be held before 30th September preceding to the election year, appoint an election board consisting of TWO members, WHO, i) shall not contest election for any post during that period and ii) may be from any location irrespective of the Zonal or Head quarter’s location.

7.6.3 Hony. General Secretary / Zonal Secretary shall help this election board for conducting an election.

7.6.4 Hony. General Secretary / Zonal Secretary shall call for the nominations for all the elected posts on or before 15th October and after scrutinizing their eligibilit y, in consultation with the President/ Zonal President shall forward all the eligible nominations to the respective election board. All the nominat ions for the CEC positions shall be forwarded by the Zonal Secretary to the Hony. General Secretar y who shall forward these nominations to the respect ive election board. Election Board shall then make necessary arrangements to inform names of all contestants to the candidates.

7.6.5 Members desiring to withdraw their nominations can do so by writing a letter to the respective Zonal Secretary on or before 15th November, who, after receiving such withdrawal letter(s) shall immediately forward the same to the respective election board for CEC positions through Hony. Gen. Secretary.

7.6.6 National election board shall then send the list of all the eligible candidates to those CEC members who are eligible to vote by post on or before 15th of December, for expression of choice by secret postal ballot. Alternatively, the election board on behalf of the Association shall conduct election by electronic vote.

7.6. 7 If any member’s identity is disclosed by his any act, his vote will be treated as null and void.

7.6.8 HGS will send two enveloped to all the eligible CEC members, one envelope shall be for ballot paper and other will be outer cover. The members casting vote shall be required to sign only on the outer cover however in inner cover containing ballot paper shall be sealed and shall have no identity mark of any kind, else the vote will be treated as null and void.

7.6.9 Ballot papers shall be received back by Hony. General Secretary on or before 31st January. If the member has sent the ballot directly to HGS, it is his own responsibility to ensure its receipt by the HGS.

7.6.10 Outer cover of all the received ballot papers shall be opened by both the members of the Election Board and they will sign on the outer cover and tick mark in the voter list the total number of members who have casted vote. Thereafter, the members in the presence of Hony. Gen. Secretary and Treasurer, President of the Zone where Head Quarter is located, and all
the candidates in case they desire to be present , shall open the sealed ballot papers in inner covers. Counting shall be done immediately in their presence and result s shall be prepared and signed by them and those who were present during that time.

7.6.11 Hony. General Secretary shall then communicate the results in writing to all the CEC Members on or before 31st March. All the elected Members shall take charge in the Annual General Meeting to be held on or before September 30th after its ratification. President -elect and HGS elect will be invited-members of CEC meetings till they take charge.

7.6.12 In case of any eventualit y to the elected Member(s), either by resignation or death, before assuming the charge of the office in the CEC/ZEC, any other eligible member nominated by two third members of the outgoing CEC/ZEC, shall assume the charge of the office as mentioned in clause.

7.6.8. In any case Fresh Election s hall not be conducted.

7.6.13 In case of any eventuality to the elected member(s), either by resignation or by death, who has already assumed the office of the CEC/ZEC as President, Vice-President(s), Secretary / Jt. Secretary & Treasurer, the respective CEC/ZEC shall nominate the Member from the existing CEC/ZEC members, by two third majority of the members present, for the above mentioned vacant posit ions for the remaining tenure. However, for the post of Member, CEC/ZEC can co -opt, by two third majority of the members present. Other vacancies in the Council between two consecutive annual general body meetings shall be filled by nomination by the Council.

7.6.14 All the Ex-Officio positions in the CEC will not require ratifica ion by All India General Body Meeting as the respective Zonal General Body’s ratification enables them to become an ex- officio member of the CEC.

7.7 The president shall preside over all meetings of the CEC. In his absence, the Vice President (HQ) and if he is not present, the members shall elect any other Zonal President to preside, or in their absence, any other member.

7.8 Seven (7) persons shall form the quorum of the CEC Meeting.

7.9 Auditing will be done centrally; there is no need for separate audit of zones, CSCs. As a central auditing agency will be appointed by CEC , all the work specified under audits of HQ, CSC and zones will be done by this agency. They will be responsible for consolidation and auditing of accounts, Goods &Service Tax (GST) management or any other related matters.

7.10 CEC members who do not attend minimum 50% of CEC meetings shall not be eligible to be CEC member for subsequent term.


8.1 Composition: The ZEC will consist of the following:

Office Bearer Number
President 1
Vice-President (Elect) 1
Vice-President (Nominated) 2
Honorary Secretary 1
Honorary Joint Secretary 1
Honorary Treasurer. 1
Members 10
Immediate Past-President Members (Ex-officio) 1
Immediate Past-Hony. Secretary Members (Ex-officio)  1
Immediate Past-Hony. Treasurer Members (Ex-officio) 1
CEC Nominees 2
Co-opted Members 2
Total 24

8.1.1 New elected ZEC will nominate Vice-President (nominated). Election will
be held for all posit ions of ZEC except president. Among the elected Vice-Presidents one VP will take over the posit ion of president which shall be decided by ZEC in its first meeting in each fresh term.

8.2 All posit ions in the ZEC except Co -opted Members shall be elected by postal ballot

8.2.1 Same person shall not hold same office for more than two consecutive full terms.

8.3 Election Procedure for ZEC:

8.3.1 The procedure for the election of ZEC remains the same as described in clause 7.6 except the sub clauses 7.6.6 to 7.6.9 and 7.6.12.

8.3.2 Clause 7.6.6 shall read as “Zonal election board shall then send the list of all the eligible candidates to all the eligible voters through Zonal Secretary for expression of choice by secret postal ballot, on or before 15th of December”.

8.3.3 Clause 7.6.7 shall read as “ballot papers shall be received back by Zonal Secretary on or before 31st January”.

8.3.4 Clause 7.6.8 shall read as” all the received ballot papers shall be opened by both the members of the election board in the presence of Zonal President, Secretary, Treasurer and all the candidates in case they desire to be present. Counting shall be done immediately in their presence and results shall be prepared and signed by them and those who were present during that time”.

8.3.5 Clause 7.6.9 shall read as Zonal Secretary shall then communicate the results in writing to ZEC and after its approval, to all the Zonal OTAI Members on or before 10th April. After the ratification of their election by Zonal (annual or extraordinary) General body, the elected Members shall take charge in the Annual General Meeting of the Zone to be held on or before July 31st.

8.3.6 ZEC members who do not attend minimum 50% of ZEC meetings shall not be eligible to contest for next election.

8.4 Tenure: The ZEC will function for a period of 3 years.

8.5 The ZEC will follow the functions set out for corresponding office -bearers of the CEC.

8.6 The President of the Zone shall preside over all meetings of the Zonal Executive Committees. In his absence, Vice -President will preside over the particular meeting and if neither of the two is present, the Zonal Executive Committee shall elect its own Chairman for the meetings.

8.7 Five (5) (excluding invitees) persons shall form the quorum for the Zonal Executive Committee Meetings.

8.8 An audited statement of accounts and a report of activities will be submitted by each ZEC to Headquarters by April 30, each year.

8.9 All vacancies of ZEC should be filled as mentioned in 7.6.


9.1 The activities of the local branches shall be administered by a Local Co- ordination Committee (LCC) who will hold office for a period of two years. The LCC of the Local Branch shall consist of at least a Chairman, Co-ordinator and three members who will be chosen by the members of the Local Branch by any democratic procedure.

9.2 The Chairman of the Branch shall preside over the meetings of the LCC and the Co-ordinator shall function is the ‘Secretary cum-Treasurer’.

9.3 Three (3) persons shall form the quorum of the LCC.

9.4 The Branch shall submit to the Zonal Headquarters by April 30 of every year an annual report of the activities of the Branch and a statement of accounts of the year upto March 31 for the purpose of consolidation of the Zonal accounts.

9.5 The Local Branches of the Zones may collect their own local membership subscription and forward it to the Zonal Headquarters for further action according to the rules.


10.1 It shall be obligatory to hold at least one General Body Meeting of the Association a year, and shall hold a Convention once each year.

10.2 The time and date of the Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be fixed by the CEC and shall be announced by the Honorary General Secretary at least 4 weeks before the date of the meeting. AGM will be held at HQ.

10.3 All notices of motions for consideration at the AGM shall be submitted to the Honorary General Secretary so as to reach him at least 3 weeks before the date of the meeting.

10.4 The President of the Association shall preside over the AGM. In his absence, Vice President (HQ) will preside the Meeting. In absence of President as well as Vice President (HQ), members present in AGM may elect as Chairman from one of the Vice-Presidents present, or in their absence, any member of the CEC present.

10.5 Fifty (50) members, who are entitled to vote (which excludes student member) shall form the quorum for the Annual General Meeting. An adjourned meeting will not need a quorum.

10.6 The following business shall be obligatory for the Annual General Meeting

10.6.1 Presentation of the minutes of the last AGM and of any Extra -ordinary General Body Meeting.

10.6.2 Presentation of the Annual Report, which should contain a statement of activities of Headquarters, Zones, Local Branches and Central Standing Committees.

10.6.3 Passing of the audit ed statement of accounts and balance sheet of the year.

10.6.4 Sanctioning of the budget for the following year based on budget estimates received from Headquarters and all the Central Standing Committees.

10.6.5 Announcement of names of the office-bearers and other elected members of the CEC in every election year.

10.6.6 Appointment of an Auditor and fix his remuneration.

10.6.7 Consideration of any resolutions or recommendations put up by the CEC or members (clause 10.3)

10.6.8 Such other business as President may allow.

10.7 At least 25 members in good standing, which exclude student members, shall form a quorum for a Zonal Annual Meeting. An adjourned meeting will not need any quorum. The items of business for an AGM outlined in 10.6 shall serve as a guideline for the Zonal Annual Meeting.


11.1 An extra-ordinary General Meeting (EGM) shall be summoned by the CEC/ZEC either when it receives a requisition signed by not less than 25 members, or when it is of the opinion that there is a business of special urgency to be transacted.
11.2 No business shall be considered at an extra -ordinary general meeting other than that for which it is summoned.


This clause defines the powers and functions of office bearers at the Headquarter. These will also be observed as the guidelines for Zonal office-bearers.

12.1 President

12.1.1 He shall be the executive and administrative head of the Association and the other office – bearers shall work under his instructions and guidance, subject to the existing regulations.

12.1.2 He shall preside over all the meetings of the association in which he shall have a casting vote. In his absence, the Vice President (HQ) for CEC meetings or any other Zonal President or in their absence, any other member elected to preside over the meeting, shall have the same power as President.
12.1.3 The President shall facilitate the finances of the Association and shall
encourage revenue generation, sanction expenditure on the basis of the budget approved by the Association at the AGM , and on the basis of account-systems and procedures to be adopted by concerned office bearers viz. HGS /HGT, Auditors and office bearers of zones and CSC’s. Based on relevant clauses mentioned under 12.3 and 12.5 in Constitution, the systems, procedures, records, formats for A/c. be drafted and standardized in consultation with Auditors, and be practiced uniformly by HGS & HGT. Such documents and records be updated and reconciled every Quarter, duly audited by the Auditor, for presentation to the CEC at their Quarterly meetings. Since Accounts of CSC’s are centralize at HQ, similar systems, procedures records and formats be practiced by VP’s of CSC’s and HGS & HGT. Since the A/c of the Zones form a part of consolidated statement of Annual A/c, similar systems, procedures, records and formats be practiced by Zonal Secretaries & Treasurer duly controlled by Zonal Presidents. (Refer also (i)) The summary of similar accounts of CSC’s and Zones will also be presented at Quarterly CEC’s Meetings. Since Zonal Accounts include accounts relating to Income and Expenditure of Seminars, similar systems, procedures, records and formats be evolved separately for Seminar-accounts, and for Annual Convention, to be practiced by the Zones.
(Note: Annual Convention A/c. of the Zone be audited separately). Sanction of Expenditure at HQ on the basis of CEC-approved-budget will form part of above systems and procedures, with the addition that all expenditures of Rs.25,000/-and above in anyone head/Sub-head (other than publication and postage of OTAI Journal) will be referred via mail to the President for sanction against approved budget, before such expenditure is incurred. (Note: All expenditures above Rs 2,500/-shall be paid by A/c. payee-
cheque/RTGS/NIFT only. All receipts shall be acknowledged with proper receipts, with counter-foil for records, such receipt of funds duly deposited in Bank Account.All vouchers for payments be counter-signed by VP at Centre, Zones and CSC’s as the case may be.) Appointment of Auditors will be made as per defined guideline, approved by CEC. The President shall be empowered to have the ‘Records’ perused and the Accounts counter-audited by his nominated auditors during March and September, well before  he is called upon to sign the Annual accounts. With Reference to Point above the following guidelines is appended:- At each annual general meeting shall be appointed one or more properly qualified auditor or auditors to hold Office until the next AGM.. Every such auditor or auditors should be a member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and shall hold a Certificate of Practice granted by that Institute. The Council may fill any casual vacancy in the Office of Auditor to hold Office until the next AGM, but while any such vacancy continues, the surviving or continuing Auditor or Auditors (if any) may act. The remuneration of the Auditors shall be fixed at the AGM at which they are appointed except that the remuneration of any Auditor appointed to fill any casual vacancy may be fixed by the Council.”

12.1.4 He shall be constitutional head of all the CSC and shall guide and control all the activities of these Committees.

12.2 Vice- President (HQ)

12.2.1 The Vice-President (HQ) shall perform the duties and exercise the privileges of the President during his absence or when specially required by the President to do so.

12.3. Vice President Finance

Vice President Finance will work under the guidance of president and shall be responsible for all the funds of OTAI i.e. HQ, Zones as well as standing committees.

12.3.1 He will be responsible for looking into the appropriateness of the budgets of HQ, Zones and all the CSC.

12.3.2 He will ensure that all money collected is in the name of OTAI and the due share of  any zone or committee shall be transferred to the respective zone / CSC within a fortnight.

12.3.3 He will present the financial health of HQ, CSC as well as zones to the CEC.

12.3.4  He will be responsible for fund generation for the organization.

12.4 Vice President Web Administration

12.4.1 He will be responsible for administration of OTAI website and get it updated from time to time.

12.4.2 He will collect information and shall be responsible for authenticity of the information to be uploaded.

12.4.3 He will coordinate with PC and shall upload the journal (JLST) and get this e-journal password protected.

12.4.4 He will collect email IDs of all the members and shall give password to every member for viewing the protected information.

12.4.5 The forms of the members should be protected in the digitalized form by Vice President Web Administration.

12.4.6 He is authorized to put in any information on the website in the interest of the association.

12.4.7 He will be maintaining the website on self sustenance model.

12.5 . Vice President Coordination

12.5.1 He will be responsible for getting the recommendation for seminars/ symposia implemented through various agencies.

12.5.2 He will be responsible for nomination of OTAI at different govt. agencies.

12.5.3 He will be responsible for coordinating with zones, all central committees for holding activities.

12.6. Vice-Presidents in charge of the Central Standing Committees shall perform the functions specified for the respective Central Committee. They shall be guided by the President, OTAI as per requirement.


12.7.1 Executive Director
An Executive Director will be appointed on pay role at a salary decided by the CEC and  ratified by the AGM. His duties will include the following:- Coordination with Industry and creating database base of industry/product / process wise. To see production capacity available& capacity utilization, in oil milling, solvent extraction, refining, hydrogenated fats, soap units, in organized and unorganized sectors. To collect information on surface coating and other industries allied to oils and fats and also identification of niche areas of industrial needs. Publication of books containing techno-commercial information. He will be responsible for generation of funds for sustenance of the office of the executive director.

12.8. Executive Secretary

12.8.1 An Executive Secretary will be appointed at HQ at a salary as decided by the CEC to assist president, HGS and treasurer as well as CEC and shell perform the following functions

12.8.1. ES shall arrange for convening meetings of the Association.

12.8.2. ES shall attend meetings of the Association and the Council, take Minutes of the proceedings and conduct relevant correspondence / communication.

12.8.3 ES shall be responsible (in co-ordination with the HGS & the President of CZ) for the upkeep of OTAI-Building, and the Library, collecting data and information for the OTAI-website, updating register of members with their professional profiles, compiling referred data and directories, survey of Oil related industries, etc.

12.8.4 ES shall be responsible for executing the operational functions at the Central Secretariat (CS), and shall assist (and cause the Secretariat to render such assistance to) the President and Hony. General Secretary, as may be requested by them.

12.8.5 HGS shall attend meetings of the Association and the Council, confirm Minutes of the Proceedings and guide ES in conducting relevant correspondence.

12.9 Hony. General Secretary

12.9.1 He shall participate and oversee the following functions of ES Executive Director and Executive Secretary (ES) ES shall arrange for convening meetings of the Association. ES shall attend meetings of the Association and the Council, take Minutes of the proceedings and conduct relevant correspondence / communication. ES shall be responsible (in co-ordination with the HGS & the President of CZ) for  the upkeep of OTAI-Building, and the Library, updating register of members with their professional profiles, compiling referred data and directories, survey of oil related industries, etc. ES shall be responsible for executing the operational functions at the Central  Secretariat (CS), and shall assist (and cause the Secretariat to render such assistance to) the President and Hony. General Secretary, as may be expected by them.

12.9.2 HGS shall attend meetings of the Association and the Council, confirm Minutes of the  Proceedings and guide ES in conducting relevant correspondence.

12.9.3 HGS shall maintain proper records of all the property of the Association and shall be responsible for their safe custody.

12.9.4 HGS shall prepare and submit in the Annual General Meeting of the Association an Annual Report describing the activities of the Association during the year.

12.9.5 A budget estimate of Income and Expenditure shall be prepared each year by the Hony. General Secy. and Hony. General Treasurer and submitted by the Hony.General Secy. for approval at the Annual General Meeting of the Association before the commencement of the year to which the budget relates.

12.9.6 The Hony. General Secy. and Hony. General Treasurer shall jointly administer the finance of the association (Refer also 12.1.3 and 12.5.6)

12.9.7 He may, in concurrence with the President delegate any of his duties to Hony. Jt. Gen. Secretary.

12.10  Hony. Joint General Secretary

12.10.1 He shall assist the Hony. General Secretary in the work of the Association, delegated from time to time.

12.10.2 Hony. Joint General Secretary (HQ) shall officiate in the absence of Hony. Gen. Secy.

12.11 Hony. General Treasurer

12.111 He shall receive the Headquarters’ share of subscript ion and admission fees of members from the Zones of the Association and shall issue receipts.

12.11.2 He shall receive donations or other payments made to the Headquarters and issue receipts.

12.11.3 He shall maintain, in a proper form, in accordance with the Auditors, the accounts of the Association, and prepare statements of annual accounts and balance sheet for submission to the council.

12.11.4 He shall open and maintain authorized bank accounts in the name of the Association.

12.11.5 All money received by t he Hony. General Treasurer on behalf of the Association shall be immediately deposited in relevant bank accounts of the Association and no direct expenditure out of this shall, as a rule, be allowed.

12.11.6 The bank accounts shall be operated under the joint signatures of the President or (concerned Vice Presidents of Central Standing Committees) or Hony. General Secretary and the Hony. General Treasurer.

12.11.7 He shall ensure that no overdraft or loan shall be taken or liability incurred on behalf of the Association.

12.11.8 He shall advice the council for the safe Investment of Association’s funds in only Nationalized banks.

12.13 Editor

12.13.1 The Editor, acting in collaboration with the Publication Committee and the Editorial Board, shall be responsible for editing the Journal whereas the Hony General Secy shall be responsible for publication of the Journal.

12.13.2 He shall be assisted in his duties by the Joint Editor.

12.13.3 He shall follow the guidelines set by Publication Committee.

12.13.4 He shall form a panel of referees and ensure that every research paper published in the journal has been reviewed by referees.

12.13.5 In absence of Editor, Jt. Editor shall assume the charge of Editor.


13.1.1 Various Committees with specified functions will be appointed by each new CEC, with information to the General Body.

13.1.2 All the CSCs shall be under the chairmanship of President OTAI. However, for better co-ordination and efficient functioning, he may nominate Vice-Presidents for conducting the business of these committees in his absence. All meetings of CEC should be normally chaired by Chairman of CEC (National President). The minutes of CSC should be prepared & shared with HQ/ CEC.

13.1.3 The Vice-Presidents of these committees can hold office for not more than two consecutive terms.

13.1.4 The Secretaries of these Committees are appointed by Vice Presidents. They cannot hold office for more than two consecutive terms.
The Treasurer of the Association shall be Treasurer for these Standing Committees. (Considering their bank accounts are at the HQ).
The vice president of respective committee shall appoint secretary and treasurer for the committee with the approval of Chairman of CSC (National President).These committees will use the funds as per budget provisions All central standing committees must be financially self reliant and will contribute towards fund generation for their future sustenance. The performance of these committees will be reviewed by CEC every year. The Committees shall present budget and audit ed report every year.

13.1.5 Each CSC shall maintain Accounts and get it audited as per provisions under 7.9.A report of their activity will be submitted to the Headquarters by June 30 of each year.

13.1.6 Each CSC shall submit report of its activit y to CEC every year before June 30.

13.1.7 All the Standing Committees shall function at the location decided by the CEC.

13.2.1 Publication Committee (PC)

a) The Publication Committee (PC) shall ensure timely and regular publication of the Journal of the Oil Technologists’ Association of India and of any other regular or occasional publication of the OTAI.
b) Publication Committee shall organize to send all OTAI members a copy of JLST.
c) Publication Committee shall collect Rs. 75per member, or as decided by the CEC, from all the Zones towards JLST.
d) Publicat ion Committee shall also receive two full-page advertisements or equivalent money, from each Zones to meet the cost of JLST.
e) Publication Committee shall submit its budget/expenditure statement for CEC’s approval.
f) Publication Committee shall submit quarterly report on its activities to CEC for its information / ratification or approval as the case may be.

13.2.2 International Co-ordination Council (ICC)

a) The ICC shall be concerned with the International Activities of the Association.

b) It shall make recommendations to the CEC for sponsorship by or participation of OTAI in any international Symposia, Seminars,
Workshops, etc. or any other international technical or promotional activity.

c) ICC shall organize International Seminar(s) in India if, so desired by CEC, with the help of respect ive ZECs.

d) Funds generated by ICC through such activities shall remain with ICC’s account at HQ, irrespective of its location. Such funds, if resolved by CEC, shall be extended to a zone(s) / HQ for carrying out their activities on the direction of CEC, as interest free loan or as decided by CEC.

e) ICC shall submit its annual budget/expenditure statement for CEC’s approval.
f) ICC shall submit quarterly report on its activities to CEC for its information/ratification or approval as the case may be.

13.2.3 Research Investigation & Implementation Committee (RIIC)

a) The Research Investigation and Implementation Committee or RIIC shall be concerned with the research activities of the OTAI an d shall also follow up the recommendations arising from any Symposia, Seminar,Workshop, etc., organized under the aegis of the Association.

b) The RIIC will invite suggest ions for research and development from OTAI members, industries falling within the purview of the Association (as listed in the Memorandum), Government Bodies etc.

c) The RIIC will keep in mind the general interest of any concerned industry and the country as a whole rather than pursuing activities liable to benefit a few particular parties.

d) RIIC shall submit its budget/expenditure statement for CEC’s approval.

13.2.4 Building Committee (BC) (Applicable as and when OTAI Building is extended):

a) BC shall co-ordinate all the activities pertaining to the Headquarter Building.

b) It shall try to raise funds by proper means for the construction of HQ Building.

c) It shall regularly submit report on the status of the construction of the OTAI building t ill the same is completed.

d) It shall regularly submit the report on the activities undertaken in OTAI building after its construction is completed.

e) It shall also submit its annual budget / expenditure statement for the approval CEC and AGM.

13.3 The Central Standing Committees shall each have the following structure

Chairman President OTAI
Vice-President 1  Nominated by each new CEC at its first meeting
every 3 years
Secretary Secretary Nominated by Vice-Presidentof the respective committee with the
approval of Chairman
The Hony Treasurer of the
Association will be Ex-Officio
Treasurer of CSCs
Hony. General Secretary
1  Ex-officio
Hony. General Treasurer 1 -do
Presidents of each Zone or 5-do
Co-opted  3 To be co-opted at the first meeting of each new
Standing Committee Meeting once every 3 years.

13.4 In addition to the above members, the Publication Committee will include the following:

Editor 1 Nominated by each new CEC at its first meeting every 3 years
Junior Editor  5 -do- (one from each zone)

13.5 An audit ed statement of accounts will be prepared as per provisions 7.9 and report of the Committees will be submitted to the Headquarters by June 30th of each year.

13.6 Each standing committee shall meet at least thrice a year and all the decisions of the Vice-Presidents need ratification from the respective committee.

13.7 Minutes of the each meeting of the Central Standing Committees shall necessarily be sent to all the members of the respective committees and to HQ


14.1 Each new Central Executive Council will nominate one of its CEC members as the Chairman of the Credentials Committee and any two others, who may be any other members of the CEC or members resident at Headquarters, as members of the Credentials Committee.

14.2 The Credentials Committee will make recommendations to the CEC on all quest ions of membership (admission, categorization, termination, re-admission, etc) or any other matters that may be referred to it by the CEC.


15.1 Proposals for the amendment to these rules and bye-laws may be made by any individual member or by the CEC, any ZEC or any Local Co –ordination Committee (LCC).
15.2 Any proposals made by members shall be sent to the ZEC two months prior to the Annual General Meeting. The ZEC will send the proposals with it’s comments to the Hony. General Secretary of the Association one month prior to the Annual General Meeting.

15.3 No amendment to or alteration of the rules and bye -laws of the Association shall ordinary General shall require for voting. to or alteration of the rules and bye -laws of the be made except at the Annual Genera l Meeting or extra- body meeting specially called for it and such proposals its adoption a two -third majority of those present and

15.4 If desired by it s Members, CEC shall appoint a panel of Members for the revision of its Bye-Laws which shall submit it s recommendations to the CEC for its approval. Once the recommendations are accepted by CEC, it shall be presented to the specially called General Body meeting for its ratification by two third majority of eligible -voter-members present in the meeting.


16.1 The Association shall be dissolved if a resolution to that effect is passed at a General Body Meeting, specifically convened to consider the matter, by at least three-fourths of the membership-number entitled to vote. Postal ballot votes will also be given consideration.

16.2 If, upon the dissolution of the Association, there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all it s debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall not be paid to or distributed among the members of this Association, but shall be given to some other society to be determined by votes of not less than three fourths of the members present or by proxy at the time of dissolution or in default there of by the Court.

Appendix – I
“Declaration of Code of Conduct” in OTAI – Membership – Application – Form (Ref. 1.2.2)
Chemistry and its application by scientists, engineers and technologists have for their prime objective the advancement of science and benefit of mankind. Accordingly, the Society expects each member
(1) to be familiar with the purpose and objectives of the Society as expressed in its Articles of Incorporation; to promote its aim actively; and to strive for self-improvement in said member’s profession;
(2) to present conduct that at all times reflects dignity upon the profession of chemistry and engineering;
(3) to use every honourable means to elevate the standards of the profession and extend its sphere or usefulness;
(4) to keep inviolate any confidence that may be entrusted to said member in such member’s professional capacity;
(5) to refuse participation in questionable enterprises and to refuse to engage in any occupation that is contrary to law or the public welfare;
(6) to guard against unwarranted insinuations that reflect upon the character or integrity of other chemists and engineers.
I hereby subscribe to the above Code of Ethics.
Signature of Applicant …………………………….


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